The Church of St Mary Magdalene, Toronto, is a parish that has, since its beginnings, given expression to the catholic tradition of Anglican worship. Worship is central to everything we do. It is the place where we encounter God in word and sacrament, where our spiritual lives are strengthened and renewed, and where we are shaped into a community that cares for one another and serves God in the world around us. It is a place that welcomes and celebrates the wonderful diversity of God's people and God's world.
We have a rich history of excellence and innovation in music and liturgy, and many are drawn to the parish because of the legacy of Healey Willan and Fr. Eugene Fairweather. This continues to be a living legacy not simply repeating the past but creatively engaging the present with new forms of liturgical music and an ongoing openness to liturgical renewal. We invite you to join us on this journey into an anglo-catholicism that is rich in tradition and deeply engaged with the present both within in the church and beyond our walls
Service Times for In-Person Worship (building is fully accessible)
Sunday Services Times:
Sunday February 16: 8:00 am: Said Mass. 9:30 am: Sung Mass with Sunday School:
11:00 am: Traditional Mass. Watch the livestreamed service here.
Weekday Service Times:
Morning Prayer: 9:30 am online Monday to Friday. Join here.
10:00 am: Monday Feb. 17 : Said Mass (there will be on 6:00 pm. mass on Family Day)
6:00 pm: Tuesday, Feb. 18: : Said Mass.
10:00 am: Wednesday, Feb. 19: Said Mass in person and via Zoom here.
7.15 am: Thursday Feb 20. : Said Mass followed by breakfast in Hiscocks Hall. 10.00 am- Said Mass (Italian/Portuguese).
6:00 pm: Friday, Feb. 21: Said Mass.
10:00 am: Saturday Feb. 22: Said Mass.
First Time Visitor? Music at SMM Happening at SMM Children and Families Ways to Get Involved Read our Parish History