You have many options at St. Mary Magdalene's because we offer a mass - also sometimes called a eucharist or a service of Holy Communion -  every day of the week. Our services have different styles of worship; some are quiet and reflective, others more relaxed and informal, while still others are famous for their solemn rituals and musical traditions with Gregorian chant, choral masses from composers like Palestrina, Victoria, and Byrd as well as contemporary composers, and soaring music from our restored historic pipe organ. 

We want you to feel comfortable when you visit. The style of our worship is known as Anglo-Catholic. The clergy wear robes known as vestments and and there are sights and sounds that may be new to you, especially if you visit the traditional Sunday mass at 11.00 am for the first time.

Someone will greet you when you come in with a leaflet that tells you what is happening in the service of worship. You will find that participants do different things like kneeling or standing at different times and you can follow in ways that feel comfortable to you. 

Our church building is fully accessible from the walkway on the north side. There is an automatic door opener for the entry door and another on the right to enter the church. A washroom accommodating a wheel chair is ahead and to the right of the entrance door and an elevator takes a wheel chair and an accompanying adult down to Hiscocks Hall.

We have an interesting history and you can find out more here.

Contact The Rev. Alexandra Stone, Priest in Charge ( concerning baptisms, marriage, funerals or the sacrament of reconciliation (confession).