Music has always been an important part of the identity of our church. This became especially true during the long and productive tenure of Healey Willan from 1921 until his death in 1968. His famed choir and own virtuosic skill as an organist brought renown to the church. This legacy has evolved over the years, and the music programme has come to be one with breadth of variety and style. We are fortunate to have many skilled musicians who contribute greatly to the musical life of our parish.

In addition to the Willan tradition of the 11:00 Solemn Mass, there is also an experimental tradition known as a “Folk Mass” or “All-Ages Mass”.. It is actually a regular 9:30 eucharist using modern language. This 9:30 Sung Mass focuses on more contemporary music and art, with families and young children participating in reading and announcements. Fr. Eugene Fairweather, an honorary assistant who started this tradition, described these services “as one of the happiest experiences of my life”. The tradition was continued by the late parishioner and musician, Douglas Cowling, who invited musicians of all ages and capability to participate. His innovative arrangements made the masses attractive to many visitors from other parishes. We also have a set of Orff instruments that have been used by musicians of all ages to enhance this service from time to time.